Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Food Corner

Hi THERE! I'm Back on Michi Food Corner, as i promise i will post about cake recipe ^^ but, i will give the  recipe on Indonesian so you can understand it fast. But the cake recipe is different from last month, because i 've made another cake, even i don't know if it'll be called by a "cake" cause, it's about fruit and combine with chocolate. I think you know that ! So let's Start! 

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Fashion Corner

HI THERE!! Come back to Mich on "FASHION CORNER"

This is about tips and tricks but for today especially moslem, Michi akan nunjukin bagaimana caranya memasang jilbab yang rapi dan modis, Eitss.. tapi jangan salah ini tips and tricks yakin deh bisa berguna buat kalian. Sebagai buktinya Michi udah coba beberapa di rumah tapi ada-ada aja tingkat kesulitannya, biasalah amatiran (LOL). okay daripada banyak monyong mending langsung aja ke tkp ~