Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Food Corner

Hi THERE! I'm Back on Michi Food Corner, as i promise i will post about cake recipe ^^ but, i will give the  recipe on Indonesian so you can understand it fast. But the cake recipe is different from last month, because i 've made another cake, even i don't know if it'll be called by a "cake" cause, it's about fruit and combine with chocolate. I think you know that ! So let's Start! 

Sate Buah Cocol Chocolate Fondue

250 gram dark chocolate
175 gram heavy cream
Sejumput garam
Sate Buah:
Strawberry, iris sesuai selera
Pisang, iris sesuai selera
Nanas, iris sesuai selera
Apel, iris sesuai selera
Atau buah lain yang Kalian suka
Tusuk buah dengan tusuk sate.
Membuat Chocolate Fondue:
  1. Rebus heavy cream hingga meletup, gunakan api kecil.
  2. Tambahkan dark chocolate dan garam hingga dan kocok cepat hingga cokelat meleleh dan tercampur rata.
  3. Tuang chocolate ke dalam wadah.
  4. Sajikan selagi chocolate fondue cair bersama dengan sate buah.
OK guys That's it! btw ini inspirasinya gegara lusa yang lalu michi ke pesta perkawinan saudara, nah. Dari situlah michi bertemu bidadari chocolate yang bener2 ngelumer lidah ^^ haha. Hope you like it and it may be help you on valentine'sDay #eh See you on next posting ~ fashion corner ~ music corner ~ 

Feel free drop your comment and thanks for visiting ^^v

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